We renew the Quality Certifications ISO 9001 and 14001

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And with both certifications, we reinforce our commitment to quality in our processes and care for the environment. We do it with clear goals and a monitoring plan endorsed by Bureau Veritas.

March 22nd, 2023.

At the end of February, INDUSER confirmed its its commitment to quality and care for the environment by inspecting the ISO 14001 and ISO 9001 certificates, which the Bureau Veritas company carries out annually to those companies that have been granted this recognition.

In the picture, Patricia Márquez Sobrino (Bureau Veritas auditor) verifies the separation of toxic waste at INDUSER factory. She is accompanied by Elvis Moreira (CEO), Miriam García (internal auditor) and Mamen Sáchez (INDUSER Accountant), responsible for coordinating the ISO audit.

The certification, in which the INDUSER Management has invested since February 2018, is a way of adding value to the brand, professionalism to the processes, and reliability to the clients. Complying with internal and external audits contributes to maintaining standards, serves to properly monitor projects related to the environment, and allows work teams to rethink how to update themselves to achieve better traceability.

"If we want to stand out in innovation, we cannot leave room for interpretation, insisting that we deserve these certifications is a way of declaring that at INDUSER we design with technology, that we are working to be a reference in engineering worldwide".
- Elvis Moreira (CEO).

In this regard, Elvis Moreira (CEO) affirms: “Having this type of certification speaks both of our projection and long-term vision, and of the confidence we have in the design behind each packaging line we manufacture. If we want to stand out in innovation, we cannot leave room for interpretation, insisting that we deserve these certifications is a way of declaring that at INDUSER we design with technology, that we are working to be a reference in engineering worldwide. It is a continuous and necessary task that requires the effort and involvement of all the people in the company”.

Bureau Veritas audit to INDUSER. February 2023.

The audit that was carried out on February 20 and 21. The first day consisted of a visit to the INDUSER facilities in which Patricia took a tour of the manufacturing processes from start to finish: From making contact with the client, to the delivery and start-up of our packaging lines. in the facilities of our clients. During the tour, she randomly talked with different members of the team: from the commercial department to production, through welding, purchasing and the technical office, to other processes that occur in parallel such as automation, administration and logistics. The second day consisted of a remote session in which the documentation that supports the processes audited the previous day was validated. That same day, in the afternoon, Patricia Márquez announced the report presented for the continuity of the certification as "Favourable".

In the picture, Patricia Márquez speaks to Miguel García about his work process.

Mamen Sánchez, a member of the Administration department (who has led and coordinated both the internal audit and the external audit), adds: “The quality marks guarantee us, they provide confidence. For foreign companies it represents a plus, even more so when it comes to investing in a product as particular as the one we design at INDUSER. On the other hand, for companies that are committed to the environment, an environmental management certification confirms that we share values ​​and interests. Competition is increasing, if a customer has to choose between two options, those of us who have a quality seal have more opportunities”.

In the image, Mamen Sánchez accompanied by Miriam García (Internal Auditor).

"Competition is increasing, if a customer has to choose between two options, those of us who have a quality certification have more opportunities."
- Mamen Sánchez.

Beyond prestige, maintaining the ISO 9001 and 14001 standards is consistent with the company culture that INDUSER promotes among its team. In this regard, Sheila Berenguel -administrative at INDUSER-, explains: "There are many of us involved in the preparations for Bureau Veritas audits. It is a work that we carry out as a team and that is cyclical, continuous and present. The fact that at the beginning of each year we have outside professionals coming in to our factory to see how we've progressed, to question us about why we do things a certain way... it drives us to push ourselves to improve. Step by step, consistency makes us aware that having an ISO certification is a responsability that requires the involvement and care of all team members".

In the image, Daniel Navarro and Sheila Berenguel, two of the people involved in the process of preparing the internal and external audits.

"Consistency makes us aware that having an ISO certification is a responsability that requires the involvement and care of all team members".
- Sheila Berenguel.

In 2023, INDUSER will once again request the renewal of the Bureau Veritas certification for three more years. To achieve this, it will continue immersed in this process of continuous improvement that does not seem to have an expiration date.

To discover what values ​​made up the company culture of INDUSER, click here.

In the image, the entire INDUSER team in a team meeting on waste management, a continuous improvement process that involves the entire work team.